
Gold Street Consulting was established in 2011 as a platform to provide clients with our unique combination of skills, experience and ethos. Read our our history to find out about our journey, and what began as a meeting between like-minded friends.

Off course we believe we have something to offer which people will appreciate and value. However our desire goes beyond serving others and making money. Cliché as it may sound, we want to make a difference. How you ask? Through enterprise.


Our vision is to see a change in standards, in attitudes, and in outlook. And we believe that enterprise is the tree that will bear these fruits. Enterprise unlocks the potential in each of us.

But trees don't just grow. It takes the right environment. Trees that are fruitful are rooted in nutrient-rich soil with access to live-giving water. They have a solid trunk that upholds them and keeps them stable. They are energized by the rays of the sun.

This, in a nutshell, describes our ethos. Excellence, experience, passion and integrity. We believe these are the qualities which make up the kind of environment that encourages and enables entprise, any enterprise for that matter, to grow and bear fruit.